This, is a “Squat Rack.”
These pieces of equipment are meant for many different exercises, such as Squats, Dead Lifts, Bent Over Rows, Military Press, Select Olympic Lifts, etc. Here’s what these are not used for: Bicep Curls, Upright Row, or anything else that is completely unnecessary to hog a power rack for.
If you need to do Bicep Curls, you should use an EZ Bar, dumbbells, or the standard bars that most gyms provide. . . Most of the time, the people that are curling at a power rack are doing so little weight that the use of a 7′ Olympic Bar is completely unnecessary. (Just the other day a guy was curling 60 lbs. The gym has a standard bar fixed with 60 lbs. for this purpose.)
Not only is it proper gym etiquette to use the equipment how it should be, it’s an unspoken rule that you steer clear of the power rack if you’re not doing a big compound lift. . . Otherwise, it could easily cause friction, you will annoy people, and you will be made fun of via YouTube. No. . . Seriously. I’m not kidding. (While I neither agree with, nor condone recording people at the gym without their consent, people do it quite often in these situations.)
Exercising proper gym etiquette is like proper etiquette in any circumstance– It’s the way you should behave for the benefit of all parties involved, whether it be bowling, weight lifting, or at attending a classy dinner. Plus, no one wants to be “That Guy.”