Rookie Workout

I am constantly fielding questions at work about health, fitness, and nutrition–  The other day, while discussing these subjects, someone told me their workout routine.  I could immediately recognize the problems, and suggested they do the rookie workout, which is an unbelievably simple, full body workout that is the perfect place to start when it comes to workout programming.  The rookie workout is this:

Day 1

Squats 5 X 5 (Sets X Reps)
Bench Press 5 X 5
Bent Over Row 5 X 5
Ab Work (Can be anything effective.)
Chest Dips 3 X 12
Pull Ups / Chin Ups 3 X 8

Day 2

Dead Lift 1 X 5
Military Press 5 X 5
Front Squats 5 X 5
Ab Work
Chest Dips 3 X 12
Pull Ups / Chin Ups 3 X 8

Day 3

Squats 1 X 5
Bench Press 1 X 5
Bent Over Row 1 X 5
Ab Work
Chest Dips 3 X 12
Pull Ups / Chin Ups 3 X 8

It goes without saying that you must have at least a day of rest in between.  Anyway, regardless of your goals, if you’re struggling with a weight training routine, or are stuck doing a lot of isolation exercises, start here–  This will help you attain your goals regardless of what they are.

(Our longtime readers may recognize that my weight training routine is derived from day 1 of this workout.)