Muscle Imbalances

A big part of the NASM OPT Model is identifying postural and muscle imbalances in clients, and I’m fairly certain that everyone suffers from some sort of imbalance.  I was shocked by how many muscles were potentially out of balance when I did my first self assessment, but I’ve noticed a drastic change in my…

Clean Eating- Chili

This chili is soooooo tasty! It is gluten-free, egg free, nut free, and super clean! 1/4 cup raw pinto beans (yep, I soaked them and cooked them all by myself)! 1/2 cup organic tomato sauce 7 oz chicken Chopped onion to taste Giant dash of ground Onion Giant dash of ground Garlic Giant dash of…

The Great Fish Oil Scare of 2013

The vast majority of supplements out there don’t do anything for you, but for every 5 that do nothing, there’s 1 that is incredible!*  Today, we’ll be talking about one in particular that was part of a new “study,” a potentially harmful study that is being taken much more seriously than it should be. Fish…

Garlic Chicken Spaghetti!

2 oz Spaghetti 7 oz  Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 1/2 cup Organic Tomato Sauce 1 tbsp Minced Garlic 1 cup Broccoli Dash Oregano Dash Onion Powder Dash Garlic Salt (I love garlic, but could use regular salt here) Calories: 467 Carbohydrates: 56g Fat: 4g Protein: 55g  

The DeVine Physiques Fad Diet

I have come up with a plan that will make me millions!  I’m going to write a book!  A fad diet book!  It’s going to be incredible, and is coming to a “Diet” section in a bookstore near you soon.  (Or maybe just in the “Diet” section of the Kindle store, or something.) Would you…