How Important is Exercise?

I always say that nutrition is 80% and exercise is only 20%. This may lead people to believe that exercise is not that imperative to a great body.  While you can achieve a relatively small body without much exercise, this body will be lacking in tone and definition.  Exercise may be the smaller part of…

The Biological Machine

Have you ever thought of your body as a machine?  Have you ever thought about your body as a car? I’m a big fan of the car analogies with our body, so let’s just imagine that your body is a car;  But not just any car.  Your body is a race car. Now, what do…

Quotes and Thoughts on Deadlifts

I love deadlifts.  It is no secret. . .  When I talk to people about lifting weights or bodybuilding, at some point, I will start talking about deadlifts.  There’s a reason why I love them–  It’s not just because it is my most impressive lift, though that certainly helps.  Before I give my thoughts, here…


Before really getting into this blog I would like to say that I realize many of you may not like what I have to say.  I also realize that the environment does lead to health and obesity problems, I just don’t believe that it is the full cause of the obesity epidemic in our country.…

Making the Most of Your Cardio

When you are pushing yourself during cardio, do you ever find yourself hunching over on the machine?  Do you know what you are doing to your workout? Here’s a different question:  Why do you burn so few calories while doing the stationary bike at the gym?  Give up?  It’s because cardiovascular activity requires your largest…

Serving Size

Here’s an important thing that everyone should either be aware of, or keep in check. . . Serving size.  I often tell people that, while carb cycling, I’ll eat scoops of peanut butter straight out of the jar, but what determines a “scoop”? Obviously, the leveled off Tablespoon is the proper “scoop” as this keeps…

The Glycemic Index and more!

A while ago, we wrote two posts about carb cycling (Part 1 and Part 2), which is the key to fat loss and muscle preservation while cutting. . . Now, with carb cycling, there are some important things that you need to know about the “Glycemic Index.”  In part 1 of our carb cycling posts,…