“Don’t give in to peer pressure.”
I’m sure we have all heard about peer pressure growing up, but the secret that adults never tell you is that peer pressure exists in adulthood too. Being healthy, or attaining the physique you want can be a very demanding task that requires an immense amount of self discipline. To take the time to plan out your food every day, keeping your calories within the range that you need for your goals, and keeping your macronutrient ratios in the optimal ranges; To spend all of the time at the gym required to build (or maintain) muscle and cut away fat; To spend all of the time reading and doing research to find a health and nutrition plan that works for you, not to mention all of the experimenting with plans and the months that could go into that– All of this, and more, is necessary to achieve your goals.
Yet, some people will try and derail your progress for whatever reason they see fit, and to that I must remind you to not give in to peer pressure.
A lot of hard work can go to waste over giving in, but if you can maintain the same level of self discipline, you will never set yourself back.
Plus, the option exists to plan your workouts and meals around those who may influence you. This past weekend we were visiting family, and I knew we would be going out for dinner one night. So earlier in the week, while planning my workouts, I planned to do weights before that dinner so I could eat whatever I wanted, as I’m “Carb Backloading.”