How much time do you spend each day measuring food?

I measure everything I eat–  Unless it’s something packaged, processed, and sold by weight where I know how much each individual item is, it gets weighed on my food scale.  Actually, even some of those items get weighed.

I had a client ask my how much of my day is spent weighing my food, so I set out on an experiment–  I also made a video about it:

To answer the question: 10.5 minutes total.  Such a small part of my day is devoted to measuring, and that 10.5 minutes isn’t even all at once–  That’s spread out throughout the day.  It works out to 0.73% of your day.  If you think of your day like a dollar bill, that means that less than a penny is “spent” on measuring my food for my goals.

Something else I would like to discuss (that isn’t in the video) is what my day looks like when it’s planned vs. how it ends up–  It evolves quite a bit as I update everything as it’s measured.  Here’s my tracker at the start of the day:


There’s a lot of food there, so my final stats got cut off, but it ended up at 2,261 Calories; 273g Carbs; 54g Fat; 192g Protein.  Here’s how my tracker looked at the end of the day:


I finished my day at these totals: 2,326 Calories; 280g Carbs; 60g Fat; and 188g Protein.  I was within my macro ranges, and came in just below my Calorie needs.